Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Meaningful Beauty by Cindy Crawford


4 out of 5


I liked the idea of using a product like this.  It's made from melon and it is advertised to help keep you youthful and your face hydrated.  
Personally, my first impression was it smells great.  No overwhelming perfume smell, just a slight natural smell.  Again not like dirty but just a pleasant smell.  A little goes a long way and the little bottle we were given to sample through Influenster has lasted me over a month of use once a day, after you wash your face. After using it for a few weeks, I noticed my face wasn't as dry.  I personally have an issue with the under part of my nose always being dry, NO MATTER what product I use.  This product is the only one so far that seems to have fixed the problem.  That in itself makes this product a must buy for me.  However I didn't notice any youthful correction.  Now granted I'm only 31 and only have a few laugh lines, they stayed put.  That's not to say they wouldn't go away if I used the product longer and I'm sure if I used the whole line that would help correct those laugh lines!  All in all I liked this product a lot and have found myself telling friends and family about it. I suggest you get a bottle and try it out and see if you love it as much as me! 

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